MIA has been optimised to run with the MicrosoftΓ SidewinderΣ series of game controllers and is force feedback compatible. |
You can change the keys if you’re not happy with the defaults. Click on the key that you want to change and then press the key you want for that function. You can have up to two keys for each function.
If you click on the Joystick button, It will go to your Windows Game Controller set up. If you plug in a new joystick during play, you can connect it up through here.
You can have up to 4 different keyboard configurations. Switch between them clicking on the green arrows.
There are 3 default control layouts which can switched between in the Options screen:
Config A - has the standard keyboard layout and default settings for a MicrosoftΓ SidewinderΣ Joystick.
Config B - has an alternative keyboard layout and default settings for a MicrosoftΓ SidewinderΣ Gamepad.
Config C - has an alternative keyboard layout and default settings for a 2 button/2 axis joystick.
N.B. MIA will automatically detect if a MicrosoftΓ SidewinderΣ Force Feedback joystick is connected and control set-up will be the same as MicrosoftΓ SidewinderΣ Joystick.
The default controls have been optimised for efficiency and comfort but are fully configurable in the options screen to suit the player.
There are some other controls that can not be changed but are on the keyboard or the POV hat on the joystick (if available):
Keyboard defaults
F2 | Gamma up |
F3 | Gamma down |
F4 | CD music ON/OFF |
F5 | Camera toggle |
F6 | Rotate camera left (or POV hat left) |
F7 | Reset camera to forward (or POV hat up) |
F8 | Rotate camera right (or POV hat right) |
F9 | Repeat last radio message |
F11 | Options/Config screen |
F12 | About MIA |
PAUSE | Pause |
Print Screen | Take Photo |
ESC | Exit |
MicrosoftΓ SidewinderΣ Joystick defaults
Joystick Up | Move forwards |
Joystick Down | Move backwards |
Joystick Left | Move left |
Joystick Right | Move right |
Twist Left | Rotate left |
Twist Right | Rotate right |
Throttle Up/Down | Gain/lose altitude |
Trigger button | Fire primary weapon |
Button 1 | Change primary weapon |
Button 2 | Fire Left door gun |
Button 3 | Fire Right door gun |
Button A | View brief |
Button B | N/A |
Button C | Launch red flare |
Button D | Launch green flare |
MicrosoftΓ SidewinderΣ Gamepad defaults
D-pad up | Move forwards |
D-pad down | Move backwards |
D-pad left | Rotate left |
D-pad right | Rotate right |
Left Trigger | Fire Left door gun |
Right Trigger | Fire primary weapon |
Button A | Move left |
Button B | Lose altitude |
Button C | Move right |
Button X | Launch red flare |
Button Y | Gain altitude |
Button Z | Change primary weapon |
There are several other controls available to you during flight (check out the Flying a Mission section for full In-Game Controls).
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